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We've become used to the fact that we live in an imperfect Society. It’s actually the reality of the imperfections that we’ve actually become accustomed to. Be it a Massacre in Newtown, or an Aurora movie theater; the recent “buzz” over Drone strikes abroad, or the fact that the United States has a Veteran suicide rate of 22 Personnel a day. That’s one Service Member every 65 minutes… still hasn’t sunk in… Let me try a little harder... OVER 8000 VETERAN/SERVICE PERSONNEL DEATHS PER YEAR!
It’s just unconscious knowledge that, if what we are told is correct, if we all work hard, tell the truth, then good things will come to those who follow “… a prolonged obedience in one direction.” (Nietzsche: Beyond good and Evil: 1973; Eng trans), but there are some exceptions to this rule apparently.
Christopher Jordan Dorner would like to point out that he is one of those exceptions. He feels outraged, wronged, and there is a manhunt out for this man to stop him before he makes even more examples of his uniqueness to getting “screwed over”.
… you who
personally know me are in disbelief to hear from media reports that I am
suspected of committing such horrendous murders and have taken drastic and
shocking actions in the last couple of days. You are saying to yourself that
this is completely out of character of the man you knew who always wore a smile
wherever he was seen. I know I will be vilified by the LAPD and the media.
Unfortunately, this is a necessary evil that I do not enjoy but must partake
and complete for substantial change to occur within the LAPD and reclaim my
We’ve all heard “what’s in a name”, but C. J. Dorner seems to have convoluted… diluted the sense of the quote to fit a purpose that just seems a little extreme to say the least. He may not lead a country, but he is quite literally a one-man army. He has skill-sets that have the LAPD so on edge that they have been opening fire at Shadows and Grannies.

A name is
more than just a noun, verb, or adjective. It’s your life, your legacy, your
journey, sacrifices, and everything you’ve worked hard for every day of your
life as an adolescent, young adult and adult. Don’t let anybody tarnish it when
you know you’ve live up to your own set of ethics and personal ethos.
The previously mentioned skill-set is an extensive military background, that includes Counter-Terrorism Training, EOD Training, Sniper Training, Special Teams, and the list of training goes on.
Dorner wrote in his lengthy manifesto:
I know
your TTPs (techniques, tactics, and procedures). Any threat assessments you
generate will be useless. This is simple. I will mitigate all risks, threats
and hazards. I assure you that Incident Command Posts will be target rich
“He knows
what he's doing," L.A. Police Chief Charlie Beck told reporters yesterday
"We trained him. He was also a member of the armed forces. It is extremely
worrisome and scary, especially for the police officers involved.
Recent incidents, attacks on LAPD, have become a standard bearer for Dorner… stealth, lethality, then attack, and following in the footsteps of his peers, LAPD Riverside Police Chief Sergio Diaz has been provoking Dorner, as the Police Chief called the slaying a "cowardly ambush" and said Dorner is suspected of opening fire with a rifle about 1:30 a.m. Thursday as he pulled up to the officer and his partner at a street light.
This attack, if Dorner’s Manifesto is any indication, is just the beginning of “the end to LAPD’s corruptive policies and actions” towards good, honest, and hard-working law-abiding citizens.
...[I've] exhausted all available means at obtaining my name back. I have attempted all legal court efforts within appeals at the Superior Courts and California Appellate courts. This is my last resort. The LAPD has suppressed the truth and it has now led to deadly consequences. The LAPD’s actions have cost me my law enforcement career that began on 2/7/05 and ended on 1/2/09. They cost me my Naval career which started on 4/02 and ends on 2/13. I had a TS/SCI clearance (Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information clearance) up until shortly after my termination with LAPD. This is the highest clearance a service member can attain other than a Yankee White TS/SCI which is only granted for those working with and around the President/Vice President of the United States. I lost my position as a Commanding Officer of a Naval Security Forces reserve unit at NAS Fallon because of the LAPD. I’ve lost a relationship with my mother and sister because of the LAPD. I’ve lost a relationship with close friends because of the LAPD. In essence, I’ve lost everything because the LAPD took my name and new I was INNOCENT!!! XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX all new I was innocent but decided to terminate me so they could continue Ofcr. XXXX. I know about the meeting between all of you where XXXX attorney, XXXX, confessed that she kicked XXXX (excessive force). Your day has come.
Christopher Jordan Dorner is incredibly upset and disturbed… and don’t say “How do you know!!!” I know a person is disturbed when they declare war on Society, and repeatedly say that,
is no longer important to me. I do not fear death as I died long ago on 1/2/09.
I was told by my mother that sometimes bad things happen to good people. I
refuse to accept that.
I can’t comment at how bad this could get, and I certainly don't agree with Dorner's way of protesting, but if RAMBO, by Sylvester Stallone, is any indication, then LA and the surrounding area is about to become Hope BC all over again.
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